福尼斯焊机系统组件包括电源、水箱、机器人配件、送丝机、行走机构等。焊接功能包有:焊接包, MIG/MAG标准Synergic焊接,MIG/MAG脉冲Synergic焊接,Low Spatter Control低飞溅浸粘过渡电弧焊接工艺,增强型脉冲电弧焊接工艺。 福尼斯焊机Fronius焊机伏能士TPS600i智能焊机华南技术服务中心 广州音科机电设备有限公司专业销售奥地利Fronius焊机福尼斯焊机,Fronius福尼斯TPS/i智能平台焊机系统,Fronius福尼斯TPS/CMT焊机系统,Fronius福尼斯TPS/TS系列焊机,Fronius福尼斯氩弧焊机,Fronius福尼斯手工焊机。 福尼斯焊机系统组件包括电源、水箱、机器人配件、送丝机、行走机构等。焊接功能包有:焊接包, MIG/MAG标准Synergic焊接,MIG/MAG脉冲Synergic焊接,Low Spatter Control低飞溅浸粘过渡电弧焊接工艺,增强型脉冲电弧焊接工艺。 The MIG/MAG standard synergic welding process is a MIG/MAG welding process across the entire power range of the power source with the following arc types: Short circuit arc Droplet transfer takes place during a short circuit in the lower power range. Intermediate arc The droplet increases in size on the end of the wire electrode and is transferred in the midpower range during the short circuit. Spray arc A short circuit-free transfer of material in the high power range. Special welding characteristic properties provided by additional hardware ADV Additional hardware for the CMT welding process: Inverter module for alternating current processes Negatively poled process phase with low heat input and high deposition rate Additional hardware for the MIG/MAG LSC welding process: Electronic switch for interrupting power Maximum reduction in current caused by opening the circuit in each required process phase only in combination with TPS 400i LSC ADV CMT mix Additional hardware: CMT drive unit Characteristic with process switch between pulsed and CMT, where the CMT process is initiated by wire movement reversal. mix drive Additional hardware: PushPull drive unit Characteristic with process switch between pulsed and dip transfer arc, where the dip transfer arc is initiated by wire movement reversal. ripple drive Additional hardware: CMT drive unit, RA Drive Characteristic that behaves like interval mode for clear weld rippling, especially with aluminium 30 Summary of the PMC process PMC = Pulse Multi Control PMC is a pulsed arc welding process with high-speed data processing, precise recording of the process status and improved droplet detachment. Faster welding possible with a stable arc and even fusion penetration